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Pranic Healing Courses

Want to learn to use subtle energy to help you in every aspect of your life! An impression of the trainings we offer. They are all designed to help you manifest your greatness

Basic Pranic Healing Training

Do you feel that there is more to your hands then meets the eye. Do you wonder how would life look if you could treat yourself using energy every time you are experiencing pain and discomfort. The MCKS Pranic Healing training will give you the tools and skills to become an effective healer.
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Self Pranic Healing Online Course

Pranic Healing can be an excellent tool to help you to be in good health and experience more balance in your life. It is proven to be a very effective method in treating pain, be it physical or emotional. Pranic Healing can be used for acute cases and even to increase your body’s immune system and prevent some diseases.
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Advanced Pranic Healing Training

After learning and practicing the basics of Pranic Healing at the level 1 Course, you are ready to expand and deepen your understanding. Advanced Pranic Healing is used to treat serious physical illnesses.
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Pranic Psychotherapy Training

Do you know people who are in emotional or mental distress? Do you feel at a loss in how to help them? Do your daily obligation at work and at home cause you stress and are you looking for relief? The MCKS Pranic Psychotherapy training will teach you how to help people with emotional disbalance
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Achieving Oneness

Maybe you have heard about the concept of enlightenment or self realization? Perhaps you have experienced that there is more to you then just the physical and you want to know more? This training is all about the Soul and how we can strengthen the connection with it.
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Arhatic Yoga

Some walk up the mountain that is called the spiritual path and others fly.... Of all of the teachings of Master Choa Kok Sui, Arhatic Yoga is his greatest work. We would lobe to tell you more about it and most of all how it can help you become the best you can be.
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Superbrain Yoga

A proven effective techniques to help balance the brain and help to activate the brains neurons to a higher degree. It reduces stress and helps with ADD and learning disability. The techniques can be done in 2 minutes a day and can transform your life.
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