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Plus heureux et en meilleure santé

avec Pranic Healing

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Avec une aura propre et des chakras équilibrés, vous manifestez qui vous êtes vraiment.

Séance de Pranic Healing

L’énergie vitale, ou prana, est ce dont votre corps a besoin pour fonctionner. Il est possible de diriger le prana pour aider le processus de guérison et rétablir l’équilibre naturel du corps. Pranic Healing est l’art et la science de la guérison énergétique qui harmonise l’ensemble du système.
Réserver une séanceÀ propos de Pranic Healing

Une méditation puissante

Et si la méditation pouvait non seulement calmer votre esprit et vos émotions, mais aussi aider à guérir le monde ? Twin Hearts Meditation vous guide dans un voyage vers la paix intérieure tout en bénissant la terre entière.
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Pranic Healing Course in Belgium - Belgique - of Master Choa Kok Sui - MCKS IIS

Cours de Pranic Healing

Tout le monde peut apprendre à guérir en utilisant l'énergie vitale, ou Prana. Venez à notre cours de 2 jours où vous apprendrez des techniques simples et efficaces et pourrez immédiatement les appliquer. Découvrez le pouvoir entre vos mains pour vous aider vous-même et les autres.
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Love is the food that makes the soul grow

Master Choa Kok Sui
About the Founder of Pranic Healing

Get to know us

Get to know Juliana from Light of Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing therapist and Pranic Healing instructor in Belgium, Juliana is an engineer by training with a doctorate in science.

With all the changes life brings, Pranic Healing has given her not only physical and emotional healing, but also a true meaning and purpose to her life.

These priceless teachings continuously uplift and illuminate her.

She experiences great joy spreading the benefits of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga to as many people as possible to help heal and unlock their inner potential.

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Every Pranic Healing session has helped me get to deeper and deeper levels of living my fullest life. The healing has greatly helped open my system to accessing my innate knowing and abilities much beyond what was open prior to each session.

HannahEmotional Disbalance

During Pranic Healing I'm experiencing very intense sensations in my body. I feel my nervous system is getting balanced. At the end of the session there is a heightened sense of clarity and balance. I feel definitely more energised.

SvetaChronic Allergies and weakness

Pranic Healing has helped me gain a unique perspective on live and death that helped my father leave his body with peace and dignity.

StephanTerminal care

Pranic Healing gives me a lot more energy, so I am able to work. The sessions allow me to connect with my inner child too.

IngridChronic Fatigue Syndrome

Do you want to know more about Pranic Healing and our activities? Contact us for more information.

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