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Pranic Healing Research

Pranic Healing can be applied to alleviate, pain, stress and anxiety. It can also help you to stop smoking. This healing system has even proven to be successful at accelerating recovery after surgery.

How is it possible that Pranic Healing can be so effective in different areas of physical and psychological illness?

Because Pranic Healing helps the body to heal by removing diseased energy and filling the patient with life energy. That’s done with simple, easy to use, and yet powerful techniques.

The modern founder of Pranic Healing Master Choa Kok Sui (link to MCKS’ page) has devoted more than 30 years of research and experiments together with his colleagues to develop a safe and effective energy healing system.
More recently, scientific researchers, nurses, medical doctors and PhD’s have been working to present strong evidence of the effectiveness and safety of Pranic Healing. We would like to share some of those examples.
Pranic Healing Researches


p-value (p): in very simple terms, it’s method used to statistically indicate the significance of the hypothesis. It’s a number between 0 and 1 and values such as smaller than 0.05 show a higher probability of the hypothesis not being false. Further info:

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.

Gallileo Galilei

1. Pranic Healing reduces acute pain, stress and anxiety of patients at the Emergency department of a hospital

Researchers: Lauren K. L. and Linda F. L. Nurses and Pranic Healing therapists at St. Joseph Hospital Regional Medical Center, New Jersey, USA.

Objective: Evaluate the effect of Pranic Healing on reliving pain, stress and anxiety of pacients.

Method: Patients at the emergency room scaled their pain, stress or anxiety from 0 to 10, before and after being treated with Pranic Healing. The research was done with 144 patients over 8 months.


• Pain score decreased from 7.52 to 4.16 (p < 0.01).

  • Stress score went from 7.33 to 2.76 (p < 0.01).
  • Anxiety Score of 7.53 decreased to 3.00 (p < 0.01).
  • Comparative study for pain relief: pain score decreased from 8.9 to 3.0 (p < 0.017) with Pranic Healing; 8.6 to 7.8 (non significant) with medication to decrease pain.

Conclusion: The use of Pranic Healing showed to be efficient in decreasing acute pain, stress and anxiety of patients from a Emergency department of a hospital.

2. Pranic Healing may help the treatment of tabacco addiction.

Researcher: Andrea Veronica Garcia Pacheco, M. D. from Cuenca, Ecuador

Objective: To evaluate the effect of Pranic Healing on patients with nicotine addiction through smoking.

Method: The Pranic Healing protocol for smoking was applied for 2-3 sessions per week, consisting of at least 5 sessions for each patient. The study was done with 108 patients dependent on nicotine – 54 patients receive Pranic Healing (PH) and 54 patients did not as a control group (CG) – from the age of 18 to 65 years old for a period of 8 months.


PH: patients who received Pranic Healing treatment
CG : patients whi did not receive Pranic Healing treatment

NS: non-significant

By the end of the study, the patients presented different levels of dependency in nicotine with or without PH treatment:

  • Patients with no dependency: 19 PH patients compared to 9 CG (p<0.28).
  • Patients with low dependency: 28 PH patients compared to 27 CG (p<0.8).
  • Patients with medium dependency: 3 PH patients compared to 3 CG patients (NS).
  • Patients with high dependency: 4 PH patients compared to 15 CG patients (p<01).

Conclusion: It appears that application of Pranic Healing techniques in smokers can lead to effective cessation of tobacco use.

3. Pranic Healing increases the recovery of patients brain surgery.

Researcher: B. Chendil Nathan, Neurosurgeon, from Apollo Hospitals, Chennai, India.

Objective: Present the effects of applying Pranic Healing on patients undergoing brain surgery.

Method: Measurement of clinical parameters from 30 patients undergoing surgical intervention in

conjunction with Pranic Healing compared to patients who were not treated with Pranic Healing at another facility. The parameters included duration of surgical procedure, blood loss, post-operative recovery, pain score, wound healing, Glasgow Coma Scale and ADL scores, among others.

Results: The use of Pranic Healing techniques with the surery reduced pain, blood loss, ICU and hospital stay, faster wound healing, improved neurological outcomes and overall improvement of daily living/quality of life.
Conclusions: Overall results revealed that the use of Pranic Healing enables surgery to be easier for surgeons as well as patients.

It is only through education and increasing the intelligence of the masses that we can have world peace

Master Choa Kok Sui

4. Effects of Pranic Healing in the acceleration of healing wounds.

Researcher: Valerie Davis, M.D., New Smyrna Beach, Florida USA

Objective: To outline the effectiveness of Pranic Healing in the field of dermatology and dermatologic.

Method: Outline of pre-surgical, surgical and post-surgical cases, and Advanced Pranic Healing protocols. The effects of Pranic Healing treatment used on the proceedures were evidenced comparing photos of the pre-surgical and post-surgical periods.

Results: The comparision of the pre-surgical and post-surgical photos evidenced a rapid wound healing.

5. Changes in Gamma Brainwaves during the Meditation on Twin Hearts

Researcher: Jeff Tarrant, PhD, Columbia, Missouri, USA

Objective: To outline the changes in gamma brainwaves utilizing sLORETA analysis during the Meditation on Twin Hearts (MTH) with experienced meditators.

Method: Psychological and cognitive functioning before and after the MTH were compared in experienced meditators (12 subjects with over 1,000 hours of MTH) and non-meditators (12 subjects). Electroencephalography exam (EEG) recording using sLORETA and P300 metrics was done to assess brain wave changes in specific regions as well as cognitive functioning.

Results: Comparative study to evaluate the effect that MTH has on experienced meditators (EM) and non-meditators (NM) showed the following:

(1) EM had significantly more total gamma waves at pre- and post-tests compared to NM suggesting increased integration and activation of key brain regions;

(2) Patterns of gamma and alpha brain wave changes in the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex suggest that EM modulated their attention and staying alert and present while NM became progressively relaxed with an open attention.

Conclusion: It was observed changes in gamma brainwaves during MTH.

6. Pranic Healing in assisting couples with infertility
. Researcher: Andrea Rodriguez Roca, PhD – Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Objective: Obtaining Case Reports of Pranic Healing on patients with infertility.

Method: A minimum of 18 Pranic Healing sessions were done on women and 6-12 sessions were done on males over the course of 12 weeks. When conception proofed successful, Pranic Healing was also
done on the fetus at least once a month. This included Pranic Healing on the umbilical cord, the
 placenta, and the vertebrae. With high-risk patients a custom protocol was applied to increase the
 success of carrying the fetus to term.

Results: The application of Pranic Healing markedly improved positive outcomes in assisting couples
with infertility and in women with high-risk pregnancies.