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Gratis online Meditatie: Help door energieën te verspreiden van liefde en heling

By 11 januari, 2021 januari 15th, 2021 No Comments

Vanaf 18 januari elke maandag

20:00 – 20:45

Meld je hier aan en ontvang de details om mee te doen.

(deze meditatie zal gegeven worden in het engels)
As you know, the world is going through a tough time with the corona virus and we are feeling the effects of it in our day to day life.
If you want to be a part of the bright side, join us with an online meditation to help yourself and also help the world get through this challenging time.
The basis of this meditation is that we share with others what we want for ourselves. The Twin Hearts Meditation does that as we become a channel for loving energies to the entire Earth. It also helps strength the energy body when done regularly. When we do this meditation in groups it has a multiplying effect and we hope you can join us and help.
Starting Monday, 16th March 20h, we are going to meditate online for 30 minutes, 3 times a week on Zoom. Let’s help dispel the darkness with light and be more centered within ourselves.
Please move your body in simple physical exercises before and after the practice to help integrate the energy of the meditation properly.

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